Relax, CSS isn't dying

Eugenio Monforte

All of us in the web development industry feel the progressive acceleration that it has taken for 20 years: every day infinite tools are born to do almost anything.

That’s why many people feel that certain ways of doing things (to which we got used at some point) no longer have the relevance they had and feel nostalgia or sadness for “those unique times” or “that artistic level reached in X era”.

It’s totally understandable, there we have memories, “good practices”, pride and even professional prestige.

The problem is that if we are not critical of why or how we do things, we get caught up in certain ways of acting.

CSS is a technology, not an art. Its creation and development is due to specific needs that have to do with design: with trying to fulfill a goal defined by others. It has nothing to do with self-expression.

As a technology, CSS evolves, and so do the tools that allow us to work with it. We have already defined all the possible values of CSS: how many times did you write margin: 0;?

We need ways to be able to automate this without losing readability for others and without excluding anyone who does not have knowledge of technical jargon.

That’s precisely why things like Sass, or Tailwind, and also questionable practices like CSS-in-JS have appeared. The latter is a great example of how to exclude a whole world of professionals just for the sake of using technologies that serve large corporations.

In short, that CSS isn’t dying, perhaps obsolete ways of working.

Finally, if we stop using CSS it may be because we find better tools or technologies.
